Kanchi Matyang Tyang movie review

Reviewed by:
On December 12, 2014
Last modified:January 27, 2015


Kanchi Matyang Tyang is movie about journey of a married man Krishne(Jay Kishan Basnet) to find a new wife as his wife is also infertile. But this time, the wife asks her husband to bring new wife herself. She is always harassed by the people around her and so wants his husband to bring a new wife as she badly wants to play with kids.

Cast – Jay Kishan Basnet, Sarika Kc , Rajaram Paudel , Laxmi giri , Puran Thapa , Laya Sangraula, Rajendra Khadgi , Ramesh Mattare
Writer,Director – Puran Thapa

Having a baby is considered a great joy to anyone. In a country like Nepal, it’s more than joy to have a baby. Infertility is considered as a curse. Occasionally, women who cannot give birth are bullied and harassed by society. There were trends of bringing new wife if their current wife couldn’t give birth to any child. Clearly its discrimination because a man could divorce or re-marry his wife on grounds of infertility but a woman could not divorce him if he was impotent.

Kanchi Matyang Tyang is movie about journey of a married man Krishne(Jay Kishan Basnet) to find a new wife as his wife is also infertile. But this time, the wife asks her husband to bring new wife herself. She is always harassed by the people around her and so wants his husband to bring a new wife as she badly wants to play with kids.

Kanchi Matyang Tyang is a comedy movie with few crazy of jokes and lots of hilarious moments. Although it is not the best script, the main theme of the movie seems fresh and creative. The movie has very few boring moments, which I think is very rare in Nepali cinema. Lots of senior actors they were all splendid. I loved Laxmi Giri as mother in law. She was extraordinary. There were lots of hilarious dialogues. In particular, here is Rajaram Poudel’s dialogue that I loved.

“Tapaiharu ko Jodi yesto jamchha ki yesto jamchha ki, testo ta bhaktapur ko dahi pani jamdaina.”

Well, the action in the movie was a minus. It’s hard to take one fat guy jumping 10 ft above and kicking 10 huge guys. Is it compulsory to have such action scenes in Nepali movies? Indian cinema has progressed a lot in their cinematography and vfx in last decade. So when they do action scenes, it easy to take. But I think for Nepali cinema, it looks awful, with poor cinematography and vfx.


Krishne is a traffic police with a wife who is impotent. The movie starts as Krishne dreaming about lots of sexy girls around him and they were all dancing with him. As he awakes up, his wife scolds him for not being able to bring new wife. Well, she has a reason to ask her own husband to marry again. People around her think she is cursed and they annoy her. Now the journey of Krishne begins to find a new wife. It’s not easy to find a girl for a married man. Check the movie to know how he manages to find the solution.

Watch or not

Its a time pass and watchable movie.

Official trailer

Suman Joshi
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Suman Joshi

I love to watch different variety of movies, and sometimes even write about it.
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